do less while making more 💎

Over the past 2 years I've STRUGGLED with the decision of whether or not to stay on social media or just let it go. The struggle was so real because so much of my sales were coming directly from social media, and I was terrified to let it go.

A couple of weeks ago as I was praying, the word REST kept running through my mind. It was like playing your favorite song on repeat. And for the first time in a long time, I decided to listen. So I stopped posting just to get something out there, and only posted about twice a week on my IG feed.

Then this week, I finally decided I'd had enough. I completely deleted TikTok from my phone and I DM'd my biz besties my phone number so they could get in contact with me quicker because I wouldn't be checking IG as often.

I barely posted on my stories this week and my first feed post was posted today. And that's because I felt I had a really important message to put out there. It's around what I'm talking about today if you want to check it out.

I was terrified that my sales would tank.

Well guess what? I did a month over month comparison, and I've made slightly more (about $200) in comparison to this same time last month.

When I tell you I was befuddled! I'm team "work too much" and when I decided to finally chill, listen to God, and do the marketing I actually wanted to do, there was so much more ease and flow.

Once I made the decision to significantly reduce my time on IG and TikTok, I created my bare minimum content plan which only includes Pinterest, emailing you, and blogging. There is absolutely no "traditional" social media in that plan. If I feel I have something really insightful to post on IG, I will. However, I'm no longer adding to the noise that is IG and TikTok (aka posting because I feel like I have to post to get sales or be top of mind).

Once I took time away from the platforms and gave myself permission not to post, the amount of anxiety that I've been feeling has significantly reduced. While I think social media has been a blessing and has leveled the playing field for small business owners, it can suck! 🤣

So if you're feeling exhausted from social media, whether as a business owner or personally (BTW I deactivated my personal IG account), give yourself permission to step away for a bit. It'll still be there when you get back, I promise!

Maybe sales will dip (heck they dip even when I'm pushing out 20 pieces of IG & Tiktok content), but my peace of mind and creativity has been on level 💯 since stepping back and that's so worth it to me. If I don't talk about my journey through this list, I will definitely be discussing it in The Legal Love Note which is where I share my legal and business insights to help you achieve your business goals faster and more effectively.

Happy Friday and enjoy the sunshine!!


P.S. I've been terrible about collecting reviews. If you've ever purchased from me or just enjoy being on my email list, I'd be so appreciative if you could leave a really short review!

Michelle at The CEO Legal Loft

Hi, I'm Michelle, the owner of The CEO Legal Loft. The CEO Legal Loft simplifies legal compliance for online businesses with easy-to-use contract templates and legal resources.

Read more from Michelle at The CEO Legal Loft

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